The year is almost up and it is time to take stock of the year. Let me begin with my resolutions for this post.
Here is what I listed when 2013 had just blossomed:
Read 12 books in the year. Done.
Stay happy. As in, be cheerful. Be optimistic. See the silver lining in every cloud. Just stay positive. This was tough- BabyT was overdue, in NICU due to meconium consumption, diagnosed with suspected urinary infection as a month old infant, had latching issues… Staying optimistic was tough but all’s well that ends well. Nice things happened too, so at least I stayed afloat with this one.

Be a NaNoWriMo 2013 winner. I participated last year, loved it and have set myself this more challenging goal this year. Sigh! I did not even participate this time but hey, I am living my own story being a Mom and Graduate student, so that’s ok!
Publish a post at least once a week. Sadly, never accomplished this either. But I had loads of fun trying. Maybe I shall succeed in this next year.
Learn how to wear Eyeliner before the year is up. Done!

Am still deciding on my resolutions for 2014. Here’s to a great year ahead and oodles of fun trying to stick to the resolutions!