This post is a response to Day06 of the Book Review Challenge.

Today’s prompt is as follows:

Welcome to Day 06 of #BookReviewBlogChallenge. Today’s challenge is to review any book with 400+ pages.

For this challenge, I’m excited about adding Jeffrey Archer‘s masterpiece Prisoner of Birth.

I have read the physical book before but I laid hands on the Ebook version lately. So, I am totally savoring the different scenes and showdowns that the various characters have.

Review: 5/5

At the outset, let me make it clear. It is loosely based on The Count of Monte Christo.

But if you read the novel, you realize that the novel is not a copy. Not at all!

Similar, yes, but nowhere the same. I consider it a glorious tribute to the original. The basic plot is the same – but it’s been masterfully weaved with modern settings, characters and scenes.

What I really love about the book is that every character is splendidly well etched. Some of my favorite scenes involve tertiary characters who appear in less than a tenth of the total page count. Yep, seriously.

Examples I can cite without giving away the story or scenes –

  • the priest to whom Beth confesses after the incident at St.Veronica’s
  • The prison warden who Susses out Danny
  • The housekeeper at The Boltons
  • Mr.Gene from Texas
  • Sandy the Scotsman

Brilliant, right?

The best part is of course the third and last segment of the book Revenge!

All the courtroom scenes are exceptional.

I want to call out more but I’d give away spoiler so I can summarize thus-

Drama, intrigue, action, romance, humor: this book has it all.

So, if you have not read the book and like thrillersmake this your next. If you have , let me know what your favorite scenes and characters were.
