This post is the response to Day3 or the third prompt of the #BookReviewChallenge I joined.

Today’s instructions are:

Welcome to Day 03 of #BookReviewBlogChallenge. Today’s prompt is “Golden Classics”. Any book published before 1995.

The book that I will answer it with is Agatha Christie‘s book Curtain.

Originally published in 1975 and the last book featuring Hercule Poirot, this mystery thriller is a masterpiece of human emotions and drama.

You will keep guessing who Poirot is after: who is X? And of course, the Queen of mystery delivers her usual twist in epic style at the end.

Review: 5 on 5 stars (what else can one expect. This is Dame Agatha Christie and Hercule Poirot after all!)

As far as Golden Classics go, this is a splendid choice because :

  • the date of publishing is 1975
  • the narrative is gripping and sensational no matter when and how many times you read
  • It even references other Classics- Shakespeare, no less in the most artful of fashions. (Trying hard not to give away spoilers here!)
  • Borrowing Isaac Asimov‘s idea here – but the reader has a good chance of guessing, of playing armchair detective, just as Poirot does and Hastings tries to do. (You won’t although you’ll surely kick yourself for not when Poirot explains it all in the end)
  • Love, Friendship, Murder, Mystery, Revenge, Deception, the book is a clever concoction of so many elements.
  • Last but not the least, I have read this book before. I love re-reading this author’s books because
    1. They are splendid
      Great for my book count
      I find it comforting to peruse books I have already finished. No agonizing over the end, no impatience at not being able to complete a task, especially a lovable one because duty calls (read Kids!)or daily chores beckon.
      Keep me in the habit of reading
      Help me savor the details at leisure. As these are mysteries, it is awesome to go back to those little points that were unveiled as the cornerstone of the big Reveal (whatever the plot reveals)

    How about you? Do you re-read? Do you add that to your Book Counts? Do you do it regularly?

    As ever, let me know if you have read the book? What did you think? Do you agree with my opinionated review?

    Also, are you part of the book review challenges? What did (if yes) or would (if no) you choose?

    Share your thoughts in the comments below.
