Howdy everyone!

Remember the Book Blog Challenge I mentioned last week? Well, it has started. Hurrah!

Day 0 happens to be today and if your did not sign up yet- do it right away. It runs from today until the May 18th with only 8 prompts – so make sure you put your reading efforts to good use! The sign up link is right here.

(Note: You can post at any time as long as you join the contest before April 25 and post at least on 3 distinct days before the deadline. The FAQs are quite detailed and easy to follow and can be seen here.)

If you need another reason- it has a prize for one lucky winner.

If you need yet another reason, easy content for your blog with those blog prompts ought to do it.

Now onto the actual prompt and my response.

Day 0:

Today’s task is to add a post on any book that sparks joy in your life!

For me, it is the Illustrated version of Harry Potter- Chamber of Secrets.

    This book totally sparks joy because of the lovely cover. What fabulous illustrations!
    This book belongs to the kiddo but I have read it. And the fact that it is part of my childhood as well brings back so many delightful memories. How’s that for sparking joy?
    The kiddo and I are now reading it together in the Buddy Reading style or having the kiddo read it aloud to me (or grandparents on Video chat). This is such a fabulous pivot from me formerly reading to her. I don’t know what is nicer- her love of reading or her developing skills! Oh the Joy!
    The book is a gift from my SIL to my LO aka the Pampered One (First grandkid in the family!) My SIL is a huge Harry Potter fan, while the BH is not! So it always would bring a smile on my face to see them squabbling and trying to get baby on board to their point of view. Hilarious!
Kiddo got converted into a true fan at Disney!

What is your take on this task?

Join in the fun and share your story too!
