ToddlerT turns three today! Happy Birthday Baby! Well, Little Girl actually. You’re no longer a baby.

Turning Three means :

  • Talking Threes are here. They appeared around Christmas and are now so pronounced, even my Mommy blind love cannot ignore it.
  • No more Babyishness. My friend with a child six months older warned me about it. About how the baby-ish toddlers suddenly morph into preschoolers, as if by magic. It’s true. Sigh! It’s like her cute baby countenance has been switched off.
  • No more early boarding on flights. I know this seems silly so early in this list. But let’s face it, ToddlerT has been on more flights in her little life than I did in my adult life (before she was born). So, it’s natural for me to obsess over it.
  • Fierce Independence. I don’t mind her being independent. No. Takes a load off me. But independence coupled with helplessness and a smart mouth is not something I look greatly forward to!
  • She is getting ready for Pre-School! My child is growing by leaps and bounds.
  • I now have my personal biographer cum fashion advisor cum manner Nazi who keeps tabs on every little thing that I do. While annoying at certain moments (bedtime & PMS, I’m talking about you), it’s amazing to see my little one mimicking me and mothering her toys. Flattering to find that I am the role model for an impressionable life.
  • Writing skills. Imagination. Jumping. PlayDoh art. And lots more. My doctor warned me. ToddlerT would grow out of her observing, sponge like phase and start exploring and trying many new experiences. Especially as she discovers her own dexterity and gains more confidence in her abilities. ToddlerT did scribble and do art work before. But her skills have vastly improved. She is quicker, more nimble, more imaginative (long drawn too, as my past posts will reveal) and simply loads better.

Hmm… I did not mean this to be a rant or a boast. But it’s turned out to be a little of both. Just like my girl- angelic mostly with periodic bursts of tantrums and naughtiness. But I would not have it any other way!

Happy Birthday Dear Child! And for those who were with me till now, thanks!

Off to bake a birthday cake now! Ta-ta!