I’m not really into dark fantasies but this book was awesome. (And free due to my Amazon Prime Membership. He he he!) It is intense, thrilling, chilling, gripping and very edge-of-the-seat. I dislike comparing books to movies (though not the reverse). I am usually the person saying ‘The book was better’. But this book puts me in a unique situation. I have to this book to movies! Yup, the narrative was that good, that detailed and that riveting. I could not put down the book, simply because the suspense kept me at it. Thank God for Fridays (less work and more stretches of time available)! I finished the book in one go. I know I would not have been able to bear not knowing the end. The book is that masterfully written (and dark). Coming back to the movie comparison, it is a ‘Mummy Returns’ kind of a story which also features one of the world’s greatest scientists of all times- Albert Einstein. Oh yes! It was one of the points which made me extremely curious to read the book and overlook the dark fantasy genre.

Well written, fast paced, vividly described with well fleshed out characters and masterfully blended scene descriptions make this one great read. Terrific!